Baby feeding & care
Motherless Babies
We currently have a scheme where motherless babies are supported by extended family in their own compounds, but we supply the milk/weaning food, medical treatment and clothes. It is important to note that we are not an orphanage, we support the whole family who have taken on the care of the baby.
Without our help these babies are often susceptible to developing rickets and other diseases often resulting in death. Maternal deaths are a big problem here and we are trying, along with public health, to understand more about why this is. Anaemia, HIV and TB appear to be a major problem amongst mothers.
All carers of motherless babies are given formula, bottles and sterilising equipment along with education on use and its importance. Babies are checked each week on collection of milk to ensure that they continue to thrive and are making good progress. Each mother and baby are carefully screened to ensure that the milk goes to those that are most in need.
Without the milk, bottles, sterilising equipment etc provided by the clinic these babies would be mainly fed on corn flour and water, would fail to thrive and many would ultimately not survive infancy.
Thanks to your help we are able to give them a fabulous start in life, with free formula, whole and half milk for the first 12 months of life. Once they are 12 months old we continue to support these babies and their extended families whichever way we can but it’s getting harder as every week we have new motherless babies.
Currently we have 42 babies that desperately need our support, we have sponsorship options at the clinic although the amount of babies needing support is always increasing.
It costs £30 to feed each baby every month and a regular monthly donation for this amount would enable you to sponsor and support an individual baby. We also have a general milk fund where regular or one off donations of any amount can be made.
Any donation as a regular or one off donation to our milk fund is massively appreciated and literally would save a life.
Older Babies
Baby Bag Day
The clinic also holds a “baby bag day” regularly where new mothers and babies are given a bag containing items such as reusable nappies, blanket and several items of clothing.
Mother and Baby Clinic
There is a baby clinic once a month, where mums bring their babies/children to be weighed, for vaccinations or for medical advice.
Milk for motherless babies
Every week the clinic runs a pioneering programme to support babies who have lost their mothers during or shortly after childbirth by providing baby milk and education to family members. The cost of providing the formula for between 30 to 45 babies can be between £200 and £250 each week.
Raised £2,655.00
35 supporters
Donations - Milk for motherless babies
We are very grateful for any one off or monthly donations of any amount.
These can be used towards medication, baby milk, dressings and staff wages.